Sunday, September 30, 2012


one day while waiting for mastermind meeting to start, i was listening to this mayday song when the first verse of the lyrics caught my attention, 你爱看鬼片 又怕看鬼片 就要我陪”.  i suddenly recalled the night where i was watching ghost thrillers with coly during our business trip in wellington (entry dated 19 september 2012) as she was scared to watch alone. the lyrics literally described the whole scenario!

i knew coly in university, but we were not close then. we were in the same project group for 1 module and i vaguely remembered her at that time. when we met in our ex company again, she told me that she actually remembered me quite clearly and that i was her first friend in university. opps, sorry for that! =p

i got to know her better through the business trips we went together. i still remembered on her maiden trip in sydney, february 2008, she started to share her life story to the whole audit team during the dinner session! i had never seen someone who was so open about herself. gradually, from one business trip to another, we clicked off and bonded very well! our best trips were in wellington and bangkok where we had so much fun together. she had a lot of ideas and i would usually let her have her way, executing her crazy ideas with her. those were the days when i was her "partner in crime"!

in my world, she is a very knowledgeable girl, though she denies it. she reads widely and i always learn something new whenever she shares with me. she is someone who is very real at heart and speaks her mind. i like her realness and will want to open up to her. often, we nod in agreement for similar perspectives towards things. we write cards to each other, when words can better express ourselves. i am always touched to tears by her cards! she also has a big heart to care for the people around her and give support wherever she can. on the other side, she can be quite “bimbotic” in her actions at times, but she never tries to hide them and i always have a good laugh when she shares her “bimbotic” stories! hahaha!  

though we are in different companies now, we continue to meet up whenever we can. i will pop by at her place to have afternoon tea and catch up on each other's lives.

宝贝!!! thanks for being such a great friend! you add lots of colours and joy to my life! never fail to bring a smile to my face whenever i think of you! i am truly truly blessed to have known you!

dedicating this song to you! the lyrics describe exactly what i want to say to you!就是要宠你 宠你 宠上了天! to our friendship! hugs and muacks! = )  


作词阿信  阿信

你爱看鬼片 又怕看鬼 
坐在你身边 很想告诉你 
我无时无刻 都无怨无悔 
让你无忧又无虑 每一天

你一个口令 我一个动作 
你一个皱眉 我三条黑线 
我无时无刻 都无怨无悔 

让你无法又无天 的撒野

是我的 朋友 就是 我的baby
就算你 打我 
踢我 也都ok
就是要宠你 宠你 宠上了天
天堂 整个 搬到你身边

是一座堡垒 是一种哲学 

是一股热血 是一句干杯 

我无时无刻 都无怨无悔 

让爱无穷又无尽 万万岁

是我的 朋友 就是 我的baby
就算你 打我 踢我 也都ok
就是要宠你 宠你 宠上了天
天堂 整个 搬到你身边

是我的 朋友 就是 我的baby
你想要 蹂躏 虐待 也都随便
就是要宠你 宠你 宠上了天
让谁都羡慕 都赞美 

啦啦啦啦啦啦啦 让谁都傻眼
啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦 啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦

叽咕帕 (台湾的一种猜拳游戏)

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