Monday, March 04, 2013

生存以上 生活以下

the past week at work had been very hectic, making me feeling drained at the end of friday. i was emotionally and physically tired, especially after firefighting on monday and tuesday to complete my reports. there were continuous requests for new information to be presented that i constantly needed to build them into my reports. 1 week passed by so fast that before i knew it, the whole work cycle would start again on the coming monday. sometimes, i felt that work was taking too much of my time, leaving me little energy for my own stuff after work. the only thing i wanted to do when i got home was to relax and rest.

i was listening to mayday songs while working, to cheer myself up. as i listened closely, i could strongly resonate to the lyrics of 1 song, 生存以上 生活以下, written by 阿信. the song title literally meant “above survival, below living”. he pointed out the routine lives that people were going through day after day, year after year, just to survive. we seemed to lose ourselves and forget how to actually live. living was only left with breathing, eating and drinking. for the past week, i could feel the days of my life passing by just like that, spending most of my time reacting to the demands of others. no wonder i felt tired!

luckily, i managed to regain back some energy after meeting up with coly for lunch and zee for dinner. i needed to break away from my daily work routine. my weekends were rejuvenating when i got connected with my mastermind groups, went swimming and wrote this entry. doing the things i enjoyed definitely uplifted my mood to prepare for the coming week! i shall keep on fighting!!! >_<

生存以上 生活以下

作词阿信  玛莎

连刷牙 也照着节奏 冲了马桶 洗了脸上的疲倦泡沫
没有梦 昨夜没有梦 镜子里的 陌生人已经不再做梦
上课钟 变成打卡钟 单行道般 的人生流失在车阵中
进行曲 规律的平庸 活的像是 一句标语压韵而服从

午餐是 随便还是 都好还是 跟你一样 的任何一种
奇怪呢 很久以前 我是很有 想法主见 心跳很执着

伤心再也不吹风 现在只害怕伤风 耽误了谁和谁的要求 一天一天
看日升日落 看月圆月缺 年复一年的经过 看谁把我变成现在的我
怕潮起潮落 怕患得患失 错了又错的疼痛 终于我的生命只剩生存

小时候 只要看天空 枕着白云 就觉得全世界都拥有
长大了 拥有的更多 为何感觉 到越来越匮乏越贫穷
那一年 只追逐自由 现在只能 追逐着涨不停的石油
是不是 地壳又震动 要从家里 震落才悔恨这样生活

生活的 反面会是 死去还是 这般生存 不再有冲动
闭上眼 就能感觉 生命正在 一分一秒 飞奔远离我

还不如一只昆虫 至少能破茧展翅 飞向那被夺走的天空 一天一天
看日升日落 看月圆月缺 年复一年的经过 看谁把我变成现在的我
怕潮起潮落 怕患得患失 错了又错的疼痛 终于我的生命只剩生存

一年有 三百六十 五个日子 五十二万 五千多分钟
一生有 三十四亿 五千六百 七十八万 九千下脉搏

为爱而出生之后 生命要怎么挥霍 直到我化成烟的时候 一天一天
看日升日落 看月圆月缺 年复一年的经过 看谁把我变成现在的我
怕潮起潮落 怕患得患失 错了又错的疼痛 终于我的生命只剩生存
看日升日落 看月圆月缺 年复一年的经过 曾经我也那么独一无二
怕潮起潮落 怕患得患失 错了又错的疼痛 终于我的生命只剩生存

连刷牙 也照着节奏 然后设定了明天 六点半的闹