Thursday, December 31, 2015

轻 / lightness

不知不觉又到了一年的最后一天。看着过去一年所写的日记,发现自己这一年经历了许多。在年初写下2015的主题:轻 / lightness。很感恩在年末能实现,特别是禅修回来之后。好像一切都安排好。感谢自己走出去年和今年的低潮,不断地鼓励自己一直走下去。不经历一些事情,也就不能领悟一些道理和更了解自己。今年的亮点算是终于找到自己内心的那把声音。原来华文,华语更贴近自己的内心,更能表达自己,说出心里的感受,感想和见解。去台湾禅修,实现了自己小小的心愿,也获益良多。对自己慈悲,也对别人慈悲,以宽容的心面对生活。凡事都有许多面,要怎么以平等心去看待和理解是毕生的功课。活在当下,往好的方向思考,不断用功,做心的主人。好与不好往往在于自己怎么看待。期许自己持续保持这种心态面对未来。用心行动,从心出发,勇敢活出自己精彩的人生!

2015 主题

Tuesday, December 01, 2015



第一次到访是那年来到台中公干的时候,旧同事,Nancy 热情地在周末招待我。给我介绍了春水堂,珍珠奶茶的起源。真的很好喝,香醇的茶香和QQ的珍珠,一直令人难忘经过这些年又回到了相同的店面。也许还早,店里没什么客人。选择了楼上清静的角落,写意地享受着珍珠奶茶,写写日记,看着窗外,任时光流逝



Tuesday, November 17, 2015

stay real café

这次的台湾之行也特别抽空到了一直向往的五月天阿信位于台北市敦化路一段177巷21号的 stay real café,去感受一下。点了一杯热拉铁,静静地看着带来的书,享受里面的气氛。







Saturday, July 18, 2015


recently, i keep listening to mayday song, 第二人生, second round. i feel the lyrics literally describe how i am living my life right now. what is my second round? >_<

even though this song was released 2 years ago, their songs have the magical power to hit the hearts of their listeners at different stages.


作词:阿信 作曲:怪

你听到闹钟声 你推开了抱枕 你醒在 无尽的 疲倦的人生
英雄没有出现 奇蹟没有发生 你只有 苦涩的 即溶咖啡粉

你天天看新闻 在等什么发生 让人生 再重头 再起死回生
地心没有沸腾 陨石没有倾盆 只有你 和日子 长满了灰尘

期待一趟旅程 精采万分 你却还在等
等到荒废青春 用尽体温 才开始悔恨

期待一种永恒 却怕伤痕 怕碎骨粉身
最后还是一个人 没有神 你孤独的生存

你才刚出了门 你就开始在等 你等著 快回家 回你的围城
命运如果有门 名字就叫心门 并不是 能不能 而是肯不肯

生命不是过程 而是美丽旅程 风景有 亮和暗 也有爱和恨
第一站叫天真 第二站叫青春 下一站 的名字 等你去确认

期待一趟旅程 精采万分 你却还在等
等到荒废青春 用尽体温 才开始悔恨

期待一种永恒 即使伤痕 也奋不顾身
也许会有一个人 陪着你 向新人生启程

每个灵魂 每个人 每次 劫后余生
每个心跳 每滴泪 在等 绝处逢生
如果命运注定你的诞生 如果末日始终没有发生
不要等到来生 让此时此刻 能不虚此生

期待一趟旅程 精采万分 你不该再等
别到荒废青春 用尽体温 才开始悔恨

期待一种永恒 即使伤痕 也奋不顾身
生命还没有黄昏 下一站 你的第二人生


Friday, July 17, 2015

my dream board

finally, i completed my dream board! this had been nagging at the back of my mind, ever since my mastermind group suggested creating our own dream board a few years ago. that time, i did created one but it was not up to my satisfaction. i attempted to redo for a few times after that but never got to complete, until recently. a few months back, i was attending a master class, an extension of  the money & you programme which i took in april 2015. the 4-days programme taught about a number of generalised principles, which were useful and applicable to both personal and business aspects. the master class was meant for the participants to apply the principles taught, through a series of exercises. during one of the sessions, the trainer wanted us to create and complete a personal project by the end of all the sessions. i immediately thought of my incomplete dream board and decided to set this as my personal project. this seemed quite achieveable within the next 5 weeks. 

firstly, i arranged to learn photoshop from jada after work (had wanted to learn this as well), intending to use the software to create my dream board. in exchange, i would teach her on excel, barter trading of our skill sets! she was patient to teach me and shared that the important thing was to visualise what i want in my dream board and create it into reality with photoshop. sounded simple yet difficult.

the most challenging part was to search for pictures which i could relate to and able to represent who i am. i dived into looking though hundreds of pictures in google, selecting the most appropriate pictures to put into my dream board. with the photoshop skills i learnt and arranging the pictures in the best manner, my dream board began to form. the final result turned out to be a wonderful mix of my favorite colours of blue, yellow and brown, with each picture carefully selected, of certain significance to me.

"be free", of birds flying, a state i wanted to achieve, freedom in mind, body and heart, living my life free of limitations and worries. i included a picture of the still-incomplete sagrada familia church, located in barcelona, spain. the church was designed by the late architect, antoni gaudi, which began construction in 1882 and estimated to be completed in 2028. i was totally amazed by the architecture and would want to personally see his masterpiece in future. antoni gaudi had designed and built other great buildings such as park guell and casa batllo. definitely looking forward to be immersed in his works. i would want to see the original painting of the starry night by vincent van gogh as well. the painting was currently located in museum of modern art, new york city. there was a van gogh museum in amsterdam, netherlands, with the largest collection of van gogh's paintings and drawings in the world. another museum on my list to visit. i chose a meaningful quote by buckminister fuller, which was shared during the money & you programme and i resonated with it. i always only had a inkling feeling about my true purpose and the words, "your significance will remain forever obscure to you..." just hit me, like the hard truth being put right into my face. "fulfilling your role if you apply yourself to converting your experiences to the highest advantage of others.", something for me to chew on. i chose a photo of me at poon hill in nepal, with the unforgettable mountain view and the sense of peace i felt when i was there. sometimes, i would visualise myself at poon hill, like my energy spot to recharge. the centre message of "when was the last time you did something for the first time?" was to push myself to keep stepping out of my comfort zone and do new things. coffee and books would always be part of my life. the love balloon was to remind myself to love myself, in every and any other way. lastly, i had to put a photo of christina and me, a very dear friend close to my heart. she had been with me through my ups and downs and always put a smile on my face whenever i recalled the wonderful moments we had together.

i was jokingly telling jada that my dream board was worth S$800 (the cost of the master class). if not for the master class, i wondered when i would complete it. all worth the effort!

my dream board!