Monday, May 14, 2007

emotionless state of mind?

it has always been my favorite moment, to relax in my room at night after a day of activities.. i enjoy the quietness of the night where i have time for myself and letting my thoughts run..

i have been feeling funny these days, though i cannot really pinpoint what is the cause or why i am feeling this way.. is it a sense of weariness of my current life? a routined life which revolves mostly around work, leaving little energy for other things? besides work, there are other stuff to do everyday and by the time i am done with those, it is bedtime again.. maybe i am lacking some form of change or excitement to stimulate my interest for new things.. this is frustrating when i feel something is not right but i am not sure what i should do… i am neither very happy or very sad.. am i getting emotionless and too rational? or is it a tinge of sadness that many times we can only accept things that have happened?

i have been thinking a lot about the past, things that i had been through, happy or sad, and the people whom i have known throughout the years.. there isn’t anything fantastic about my past, but it does mould me into who i am today, my thoughts and perspective of things.. i am grateful to many people who have directly or indirectly helped me along the way, especially during the last few years.. they have taught me about patience, determination, perseverance and meaning of life.. the last few years have been my toughest so far and i am glad that i am back on track again.. there are great memories and friendships made and i treasure them deeply in my heart.. we should not take things for granted and things often happen for a reason or a lesson to be learnt.. maybe as we grow older, some things that seem important in the past, do not seem so important now..

i am still searching for answers..