Monday, November 06, 2017

yet another year

my way of celebrating my birthday this year: wearing my mayday t-shirt for the 1st time, sitting at my favourite corner at national gallery museum, reading my e-book and enjoying my me moment.

thanks for everything!

selfie at national gallery museum

Sunday, October 15, 2017

五月天 顽固 t-shirt

我的天!!! 我终于拥有一件五月天的 t-shirt! 在五月天的 《LIFE 人生无限公司》演唱会视频里,看到他们穿着一件印有太空人图案,写着 life is tough 的字目。觉得设计不错,便搜寻到了滚石电子购物商店逛一逛。可是在出发去台湾之前,看到想要的尺码已断货,感到扫兴。

这次到了台北,不死心,再到电子购物商店看一看。啊!!! 想要的尺码现有货,可订购!这时的我是无比的兴奋,想着该怎么订货与取货。最便捷的选项是到超商门市取货。可是我即将出发到南澳打工换宿,又不想等到回台北的最后一天才取货。这时,还真得感谢台湾密集的超商门市网络。由于南澳之后,我会搭火车到花莲走一走,就当下决定选择花莲的超商门市为取货地点,以便尽快看到货品。


真的真的太高兴了!!! 想不到这次能在台湾体验网购经验,觉得流程非常顺畅和便利。超感恩!也为 christina 购买了一件红色图案的白色 t-shirt 送给她。下次可以一起穿着看五月天的演唱会!= )

p/s: 之所以称为顽固 t-shirt 是因为在顽固 mv 里出现了小太空人的角色。

五月天 顽固 t-shirt

Wednesday, October 11, 2017


当我从宿舍步行去南澳神秘海滩的路上,看见路上漆着 “慢” 的字眼,意指要驾驶者在这窄小的路放慢车速。我觉得这“慢”字也能应用在人生/生活上。



Saturday, October 07, 2017




身为五迷的我,就想看一看那表演舞台,亲身体验。到了表演舞台,我坐在长凳上,带起耳机,听着他们的第九张专辑的≪顽固≫。这首歌的灵感来自于五月天阿信深夜走到这里,看着舞台,回想过去,开始创作的。正如歌词写着,“我身在 当时你 幻想的 未来里”。一晃就20年,他们与五迷一起经历的岁月,实在难得,也更为珍惜。



Monday, July 31, 2017




Tuesday, July 18, 2017

a perfect day, a perfect tuesday!

oh my gosh! been a while since i had a perfect day! as i was scheduled for my scan and doctor appointment today, i decided to take a day's leave and plan my day around.

it was the annual mammogram scan which i always dragged, as my past scans weren't pleasant. however this round, i met the most encouraging and cheerful radiologist during the scan. she wore a cute hello kitty ribbon hair clip on her head. throughout the session, she was encouraging in her cheerpy voice, and i could not help to keep smiling, forgetting about the discomfort i was feeling. the scan went well on the 1st attempt! best experience i had! what a big relief!

i headed off to my next doctor's appointment at tong ji and along the way, dropped by at sheng siong supermarket to get my favorite cod fish snack. as usual, the wait at tong ji was long, and i probably only sat down with the doctor for less than 15 minutes on my turn. oh well, all the appointments were done for the day!

time for lunch! after walking around at the chinatown food centre, i decided on sour spicy noodles and otah. on top of that, i indulged in a cup of milk tea! what a fulfilling lunch!

the highlight of the day was visiting yayoi kusama exhibition at the national gallery. previously i got invited by a friend for a complimentary visit and i missed out on 1 of the exhibits because of the long queue. her paintings and installations were so interesting that it was worth another visit. besides, it would probably be less crowded on a weekday afternoon that i could slowly appreciate her works. the yellow room was my favorite, with all the walls painted in yellow and full of various sizes of black polka dots. there was an enclosed box in the centre to peek in, brightly lighted with mirrors on all sides and yellow polka dot pumpkins displayed on the base. an amazing amazing piece of work, with the yellow polka dot pumpkins being reflected multiple times from the mirrors. i even queued twice to have a closer look. her works were expressions of her emotions and perspectives, translated with colours and installations. impressive, love it!

i walked around the national gallery and there was an exhibition detailing the development of the national gallery. this was a combination of the previous city hall building and supreme court building. the complexity and fine balance between preservation of the historical architecture, while blending in elements of modern architecture, were indeed a huge ambition. the whole redevelopment took 10 years with all efforts from different expertise, to create what it was now. i was impressed and had yet to explore all parts of the building. great place to hang out with lots of resting areas to sit around, recharge and reconnect.

i settled my dinner with the mackerel kimbap from seoul roll. always a fan of rice rolls, delicious!

as i walked out of raffles city shopping centre, i looked up into the sky and saw the painting-like clouds. the gentle breeze was blowing and i thought, today was a perfect wonderful day!  

i plugged in my headphones and played 五月天 songs. singing out loud while walking to settlers cafe at north canal road for julia's dwelling session. she ran the sessions biweekly, usually 3 different sessions on 1 topic. it was interesting to meet different people from all walks of life, on different sessions. they shared their perspectives and experiences on the topic. i was sitting with a doctor, computing engineer, teacher and estate planner at my table. today's session was on trust topic and we were playing jenga. how do we trust ourselves, how do we trust others, how do we build trust, etc. i thought it was quite a wide topic and we could look at it from various angles. through sharing, it got me reflected on myself on the topic. another great session! 

it felt great to be on leave on a week day, lesser crowd and spending some quality me time with myself! everything went well, grateful and blessed! liberating! = )

yayoi kusama exhibition

polka dots walls!

polka dots pumpkins!

painting-like clouds

Saturday, April 22, 2017


经过许久的考虑,终于下定决心,赴一场五月天台湾的演唱会! 约了最好的朋友兼演唱会同伴,christina 一起同行,购买了五月天第十次大型巡回演唱会,《LIFE 人生无限公司》,高雄世运主场馆演唱会配套。

2017年3月19日,星期天,带着满满的期待与兴奋,牵着好朋友的手,踏进高雄世运主场馆,跟着五万名五迷一起狂 high! 有那么一刻,看着一片蓝海和听着一致的歌声,感觉这一切不真实,却又是真实。此时此刻,我在这里,听着五月天。

感动除了能在不同地方看到及听到五月天演唱会,也感谢自己付诸行动,实现自己的小小心愿。虽说不难,却也需要天时,地利,人和。当然也非常感谢 christina 愿意陪我再一次的疯狂旅程,制造美好的回忆!


《LIFE 人生无限公司》演唱会

《LIFE 人生无限公司》演唱会票根
