Monday, December 31, 2012

the movies continued

as 2012 year end approaching, i was recapping the shows i had watched throughout this year. i actually managed to watch 44 movies/dramas/concerts! there were the mayday concerts and a number of nice dramas of different languages (chinese, japanese and korean) that i quite enjoyed. yes, i needed some dramas to spice up my life. hahaha! dramas could be addictive, as i could not wait to know the ending. more often than not, i would try to quickly complete my work and go home to catch up with the dramas.

of all the movies, the only movies that i watched in movie theatre were argo and life of pi (3D) with my friends. all thanks to online movie streaming and youtube, allowing me to watch movies whenever and wherever i want. =p

another movie year! enjoy!

1.       margin call
2.       one day
3.       the adjustment bureau
4.       source code
5.       恋爱恐慌症
6.       the hitchiker’s guide to the galaxy
7.       the descendants
8.       新天生一对
9.       the artist
10.   extremely loud and incredibly close
11.   hugo
12.   the help
13.   coach carter
14.   real steel
15.   不屈的媳妇 korean drama (the longest drama i ever watched!) 
16.   五月天 168 场演唱会
17.   五月天 你要去哪里演唱会 (暂别)
18.   五月天 天空之城演唱会 (复出)
19.   五月天 DNA创造演唱会
20.   五月之恋
21.   五月天 十万人出头天演唱会
22.   五月天 离开地球表面演唱会
23.   the pixar story
24.   ice age 3
26.   拍卖 chinese drama
27.   flypaper
28.   我的见鬼女友
29.   醉后决定爱上你 chinese drama
30.   one litre of tears japanese drama
31.   last friends japanese drama
32.   天下500 期施振荣  x 五月天阿信 跨世代幸福论坛 改变为了幸福
33.   全开女孩 japanese drama
34.   大喜事 (the worst movie i watched this year!)
35.   johnny english reborn
36.   dark shadows
37.   盲证
38.   legal high japanese drama
39.   atm
40.   argo
41.   life of pi (3D)
42.   屋塔房王世子 korean drama
43.   千方百计 chinese drama
44.   ruby sparks
45.   痞子英雄之全面开战

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